And It's Time to Reach Out and Bless a Fellow Reader!
Dear Lord, our Heavenly Father, you said that if we will acknowledge you in all of our ways, that you will direct our path.
It seems like it was just an hour ago we were closing from our jobs, schools, wrapping up the week's business and getting ready to enjoy the weekend. Alas, Monday morning is barely 6 hours away and we have to face it.
We thank you for our lives, we thank you for the happiness we are living in right now. We commit this coming week into your hand.
We pray that you remove any hindrance or obstacle that would prevent us from having a good week. In Jesus name.....
We know that this week, we will face challenges and probably some frustrations. We pray that you help us know how to perfectly respond to each and everyone of them that we may encounter. Grant us wisdom to make good choices throughout this coming week.I am reaching out to every TILB reader tonight. Your religion, your location doesn't matter. Our dreams for this week shall come to pass!
Bless the works of our hands this week, dear Lord. Help us see how we can bring your light and life to someone else this week.
We will all go out in joy tomorrow morning, and God will lead us forth in peace. I wish you all a Happy Week Ahead!!!
Who are you reaching out to tonight, guys?
Obi Jonathan

A web designer from Nigeria.
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