Obesimed Forte Can Change Your Eating Habits to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals - Discover How Now
Losing weight seems to be something simple ... Just burn more calories than we eat but that is easier said than done.
For most people, dieting is a real challenge, is not easy to resist when you have an appetite or desire to snack between meals. That's why many of the diets offer few results or results that last only a short time.
Most diets do not offer long-term results - A diet together with exercise can have the desired effects, but unfortunately most diets do not work, and even when you lose a few kilos, the body is back to recover them in a short time. To lose real weight, it is necessary to know the causes of overweight. In most cases, overweight has a physical cause.
Recognize the causes of overweight
The most important causes may be:
A reduced sense of satisfaction that can lead us to think of food resulting in the constant desire to eat foods throughout the day or soon after meals.
Slow burning of calories by the body, with the intake of 1500 kcal per day entails an increase in weight.
A dependency carbohydrates, {Carbs Craving} ingestion of unusual amount of carbohydrates in a depressive state of mind, researchers have found that during emotional deficits, there are high tendencies for people to have a high carbs intake as a form of compensation to their state of mind.
Hyperinsulinemia: especially after a meal rich in carbohydrates, giving rise to an accumulation of fat in the waist and often constant hunger.
While losing weight is difficult, the theory is very simple: when you consume less, you will lose weight. Within a healthy, balanced diet, a man needs around 10,500kJ (2,500Kcal) a day to maintain his weight. For a woman, that figure is around 8,400kJ (2,000Kcal) a day. These values can vary depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things.
The Solution
Obesimed Forte is a medical device used for weight loss. It is intended for adults aged 18 or older who have more than 10 kilos overweight or a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or higher. For good results it is recommended to use Obesimed Forte in combination with a diet with reduced calorie intake.
The BMI is a method that helps you determine whether you have a healthy body weight, or are overweight, for your height. Use the following table to determine whether you are overweight.
Find your height on the chart.
1.5M 63KG
1.55 67.25
1.60 71.75
1.65 76.25
1.70 81
1.75 85.75
1.80 90.75
1.85 95.75
1.90 101
If you weigh less than the weight listed for your height,
You should not use Obesimed Forte.
How does Obesimed work?
Obesimed Forte absorbs within 30 minutes to an hour, hundreds of times its weight in water. Once the capsule is dissolved, it expands in the stomach, and there it forms a highly viscous gel-stable matrix. That creates a feeling of fullness, so the portion size of the meal can be reduced and it is much easier to maintain a diet. After the consumption of the meal the gel-matrix mixes itself with the food.
Obesimed Forte is a medical device class {I IA} according to European Medical Device Directive (Meddex 93/42 / EEC as amended by 2007/47 / EEC).
Also classified as a medical Device by NAFDAC: numbers are
Obesimed forte; 03-3545
Bosomed bloc; 03-3546
What is a medical Device?
A medical device is an instrument, apparatus, implant, in vitro reagent, or similar or related article that is used to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease or other conditions, and does not achieve its purposes through chemical action within or on the body (which would make it a drug).
This makes Obesimed forte and Bloc very safe without side effects to the user as with other weight loss drugs.
• Heavy accumulation of fat in the body
• Independent risk factor for:
– Cardio vascular diseases
– Diabetes Type II
• Body Mass Index (BMI) = kg/length2
• Overweight: BMI between 25-30
• Obesity: BMI > 30
Causes of obesity
• Changes in the dietary pattern
• Consuming too many high-fat or refined sugary food combined with low fibre intake = energy dense food
• Reduced energy expenditure = sedentary lifestyle
• Family influence = parental behaviour patterns concerning shopping, cooking, eating and exercise
• Nothing genetic explains the rise in obesity. We can't change our genes over 30 years
The solution
Obesimed Forte
• Anti-obesity device
• Safe and effective adjunct to weight reducing diets
• Promotes and prolongs satiety
• Increases long term adherence to low calorie diets
• Promotes weight loss
• Well tolerated
• Natural water-soluble Polysaccharides
• Highly viscous fibres
• High water-holding capacity
• For the treatment of obesity
• Reduces appetite and prevents overeating
• For substantial weight loss
Mechanism of action
• The capsule dissolves in the stomach
• Absorbs large quantities of water
• Expands in the stomach
• Creates a highly viscous gel matrix
• Gives a long lasting sense of fullness
Mechanism of action
• Avoiding food cravings in between meals
• Slowing down gastric emptying
• Reducing a meals glycaemic index
• Stabilising blood sugar levels and appetite hormones
• Improving insulin sensitivity
• Snacking can be avoided
• Lowering blood cholesterol levels
• Lowering cholesterol levels by absorption of lipids and bill acids
Obesimed Bloc
NAFDAC Reg: 03-3546
Mechanism of action
• In vitro test: binds more than 750x its own weight in fat (Rockaway method)
• Clinical trials:
– Significant weight and fat mass reduction
– Reductions in total and LDL cholesterol (secondary claims)
Active ingredient: Omtec50®
Other components: Magnesium stearate, silica
Capsule: Hypromellose (HPMC), titanium dioxide
Unique Selling Points (USP’s)
• GRAS status
• High purity ingredients with superior fat-binding properties
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Safe and non-allergenic
• Animal – gluten free
• No serious side-effects
• Available in capsules
• Class I IA medical device
Obi Jonathan

A web designer from Nigeria.
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