Blog Reader Needs Your Advice On Sex Addiction
Hi TILB, I have an issue which i will like to share with the house and i will go straight to the point. I hope i get answers.
I love sex. I am mad about sex. I crave sex. It is like food for me, and it has gotten to a point when i don't now if it is an addiction or if i am a nymphomaniac.
I have googled nympho online but i don't know if i fall under that category. All i know is that the feeling, the highness, the pleasure is addictive and i am afraid i am addicted to sex. Now i don't like when something controls me and i want to stop being controlled by sex because each time i have sex, i always feel terrible later but i can't seem to be able to stop wanting sex.
I broke up with my boyfriend late last month and now i am almost going crazy because i am starving. I am now contemplating masturbating but that will be terrible because once you start masturbating you can't stop.
I wanna make my way right with God and break free of my addiction but nothing seems to be working.
How do i stop? Please matured advice and no jokes because i am so unhappy.
Please keep my email address anonymous. Thanks
Obi Jonathan

A web designer from Nigeria.
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