HotSeat Monday !!!!!
Hey guys, welcome to another wonderful edition of HotSeat Mondays… Today’s interview is special to me, because I get to interview a special friend; Blog reader Pamela Okonne. The ever gracious and beautiful Pamela who just recently became an MBA holder, is our celebrity for the week.
She had her convocation ceremony last week Thursday, the 5th of November, 2015 and we at LailasBlog decided to celebrate her today. She has been an avid and loyal blog reader, and not only is she beautiful, she’s got brains too. We are really proud of her recent achievement.. Please enjoy !
TILB: Sweetie, congratulations on your convocation and achievement
Pamela: Awww… Thanks dear
TILB: You’re welcome… You’re now an MBA holder… How does that feel?
Pamela: I’m beyond words, but I’m grateful to God for making this dream a reality
TILB: We share in your joy, sweetie
Pamela: Thank you
Pamela and her friends |
TILB: You’re quite popular on LailasBlog and we’re sure many of our readers would like to know you much better. Kindly tell us more about you.
Pamela: Well, I wouldn’t say I’m uite popular, but it’s good to have readers as friends. I am Pamela Chukwufunaya Okonne. I was born on the 21st of June. I’m the 2nd of four, I have a sister and two brothers. I am from delta state, but was born and raised in lagos. So, I’ve practically stayed in Lagos all my life. I am a catholic. My primary and high school education were lag, my tertiary institution was in the east and my Masters program was in England, Chester to be precise. My childhood was pleasant. I was an athlete in high school which made me really popular, not just in my shool but other schools. I was also in the choir and jet club. I’m a jovial being, I love dogs (I can literally do anything for my dogs), I love fashion, traveling and meeting people. I currently run an online business @the_luxury_mall which is very dear to me, because I’m a fashion lover and I love shopping and this business meets both which makes it easier to run.
Pamela and Members of her Family |
Pamela and her adorable dog, Rooney |
TILB: Wow, That’s great. Tell us more about THE LUXURY MALL
Pamela: Well, the LUXURY MALL started as a hobby. I was receiving a lecture when the idea came to me lol. So, I took my computer and created a page on istagram. THE LUXURY MALL as the name implies is a luxurious store that deals on top designer brands of clothing, shoes, bags, watches, accessories and many more. We seek the comfort of our clients by providing outstanding services in order to achieve customer’s desired satisfaction. Our MISSION is to attain a higher customer base worldwide and achieve profitable growth, superior customer services, innovation, quality and commitment. THE LUXURY MALL currently offers A PERSONAL SHOPPER just to mention a few of our services. Our personal shopper services is our most sort after services, because we assist each customer with the shopping and still give each customer a sense of control in the order process. THE LUXURY MALL believes that in Authenticity, so each customer is rest assured the level of Quality we provide. Customer’s priority comes first and we ensure continuity in customer relationship.
TILB: Impressive ….. Obviously you sound like a girl with a plan.. could you tell us what drives you?
Pamela: MY DESIRE TO SUCCEED. I’m very ambitious. My dad would say “too ambitious”. I believe everyone can SUCCEED with the right motivation. My dissertation was on how to motivate employees with non-monetary incentives and that has made me understand a lot about succeeding, especially in an organization. I hate being told I can’t do it or I’m not good enough. I always love to prove people wrong and it drives me to SUCCEED. Also, God has been faithful, I always ask for wisdom and He has been forthcoming as always.
TILB: I’m sure a lot of guys here have fallen in love with you right now…lol.. So, is Pamela single or taken?
Pamela: LOL…. Pamela is not married and she isn’t searching
TILB: Awww.. Bummer…lol… So, we have to ask you this also.. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Pamela: Yes I do. I always tell people this; It takes a minute to like someone and a day to fall in love with someone, but our culture doesn’t let us act immediately on these feelings. That’s why we court and most times, ladies wait for guys to make the first move. I’m a helpless romantic and I do believe in love at first sight
TILB: Hmmmmm… So, it’s safe to say that you fell in love with him the very first day you laid eyes on him, eh?
Pamela: No comment…LOL
TILB: Hahahahahahaha… Okay… So, they say Nigerian men aren’t romantic. Do you agree?
Pamela: I don’t agree. Some of our Nigerian men are romantic, while some just don’t know how to be romantic, but they try in their little way to show care
TILB: So many guys will love you for what you just said…lol.. Too bad you aren’t searching.. Sorry guys. Anyways, Let’s go back to your career. Now that your MBA program is done and dusted, what next?
Pamela: Lol.. What’s next is building my career. I hope to get a job soon in a reputable organization, while I focus on THE LUXURY MALL
TILB: And God will make that possible for you dearie…
Pamela: Amen.. I wish you the very same… Thanks dear
TILB: Amen Thanks. You’ve experienced both the Nigerian Educational System and the United Kingdom’s.. Could you tell us what the Nigerian system is lacking?
Pamela: Hmmm, what the Nigerian Educational System lacks is the right incentive, good technological know-how, a conducive environment for learning, sound lecturers who are balanced both practically and theoretically, and an educational environment where students have the freedom to seek knowledge without being shunned by lecturers or laughed at by course mates. But I fell we would get there with God, time and the right government that actually listens to what needs to be done and take action rather than their own selfish gain
TILB: Hmmm.. loads of insight.. The amazing thing though is that a lot of Nigerians do well in these developed institutions abroad, despite their initial exposure to a poor system back home. Why do you think that is?
Pamela: Permit me to use pidgin English; “NIGERIANS NO DEY CARRY LAST”. I love Nigerians for one thing, we try to blend wherever we find ourselves and we end up succeeding more than the locals in any country. God has given us natural survival kit to outsmart our counterparts and we are very hard-working, despite our lack of good technology and our mode of teaching. When we leave the country, it becomes easier because you are already used to working under pressure, or working with little resources. So, what we lack in our country in a way becomes a survival kit for us to succeed and beat the odds
TILB: Let’s tone down the serious questions a bit. Tell us how you relax and what your hobbies are
Pamela: I love seeing movies, listening to music, reading, traveling, having interesting and informative conversations and shopping. But two of my favourites hobbies are shopping and seeing movies
TILB: I love traveling too. Maybe we’d go on a road trip someday, travel round the country. Me, you and Vivienne Ada of
Pamela: LOL, I think I might just take you up on that. BTW, Vivienne has never been an issue.LOL
TILB: You better not let her catch you saying that… Hahahaha
Pamela: Nah, we are cool
TILB: Okay, great… Girl power !!!! lol. So, you got any really embarrassing incident or any really crazy thing you’ve ever done before that you’d like to share?
Pamela: lolz @Girl power…I can’t think of any at the moment, sorry.
TILB: Ah, too bad. I was hoping to hear something juicy or Arrrrrghhhh
Pamela: LOL.. I know you were, but I really can’t think of any. I’m sorry
TILB: Alright dear, that’s okay. So, which three blog readers would you most likely invite to dinner? I know I’ll be one of them, so I guess the question should rather be, which other two blog readers would you invite to dinner? LOL
Pamela: Lol, obviously you are No. 1, Bonita and Oyechristy. I think with my personality blended with each one of yours, we would have a blast
TILB: Yes !!!! I’m sure we would my dear…. So, what is your vision for a perfect Nigeria?
Pamela: My dear, no nation is perfect; we can only try to attain greatness. My vision for a better Nigeria, not perfect, is a nation which can truly call a home. A nation that accepts gender equality, treats human with utmost importance and a nation with LESS corruption. No nation is without corruption, that’s why I emphasized “less”. I pray god help us
TILB: Beautiful !!! So, where do you see yourself in the next 5years?
Pamela: Ceteris Paribus, by God’s grace I pray to be happily married to a good husband with amazing kids. I also hope to have attained enormous breakthrough in my career path
TILB: Amen to that sister !!!... if you could ask laila one question, what would it be?
Pamela: What makes you different/uniques from your competitors?
TILB: Cool.. If someone walked up to you, asking for your advice and you only had few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?
Pamela: Always stay true to yourself. Stay out of your comfort zone. If you’ve made a mistake, admit it on time and move forward. Remember, no one is above mistake for that’s what makes us human
TILB: is there anything you would like to say to your fellow blog readers or Lailans as we are now called?
Pamela: “You don’t know you’re vulnerable until you fail”. I want you guys to know that it is okay to fail. It shouldn’t make you depressed or feel like a loser. Failure only brings you to success, because you’ve learnt what didn’t work. Finally, I leave you with these words from John Lennon “A dream you dream alone is only a dream, but a dream you dream together is reality.” No man is an island. Love you guys and it’s been an honour being your guest today. Cheers
please don’t forget to follow @the_luxury_mall on instagram. Like, share, tell a friend and place your orders. Love you guys. Kisses
please don’t forget to follow @the_luxury_mall on instagram. Like, share, tell a friend and place your orders. Love you guys. Kisses
TILB: Powerful words dear.. Any final words?
Pamela: People most times fail us, after all we are only humans. But God never fails, so seek Him first and always
TILB: thank you so much for your time Pam. It’s been truly amazing and an honour chatting you up
Pamela: Thank you, It's also been an honour
So guys, there you have it. The absolutely amazing and gorgeous Pamela Okonne. Congratulations on your completion of your MBA program. May God establish you on all sides in Jesus’ name.. Amen
Ps – If you have anymore questions that you’d like to ask Pamela, please feel free to do so.. Cheers y’all
Obi Jonathan

A web designer from Nigeria.
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